Most Important Question of Current Electricty.


Current Electricty. 

 These important questions will definitely help you to scored good marks in the HSC examination. These questions are prepared by making deep analysis.            


Question are as follows                         

1.   A voltmeter has a resistance of 100Ω .What will de its reading when it is connected across a cell of emf 2V and internal resistance 20Ω ?

2.   A voltmeter has a resistance 30Ω .What will be its reading, when it is connected across a cell of emf 2V having internal resistance 10Ω ?

3.   A battery of emf 4 volt and internal resistance 1Ω is connected in parallel with another battery of 1 V and internal resistance1Ω  (with their like poles connected together).The combination is used to send current through an external resistance of 2Ω . Calculate the current through the external resistance .

4.   Two cells of emf 1.5 volt and 2V having respective internal resistance of 1Ω and 2Ω are connected in parallel so as to send current in same direction through an external resistance of 5Ω. Find the current through the external resistance .

5.   A set of three coils having resistance 10Ω,12Ω and 15Ω are connected  in parallel. This combination connected in series with the series combination of three coils of the same resistances. Calculate the total resistance and current through the circuit , if the battery of emf  V is used for drawing current.

6.   Find the equivalent resistance between the terminals of F and B in the network between shown in the figure below given that the resistance of each resistor is 10Ω.

7.   Obtain the balancing condition in case of a Wheatstone’s network .

8.   Explain with neat circuit diagram , how you will determine the unknown resistance by using a meter bridge .

9.   State any two sources of  error in meter bridge experiment . Experiment how they can be minimized.

10.         In wheatstone’s  metrebridge experiment , the null point is obtained in the middle one third portion of the wire. Why it is recommended?

11.         Describe kelvin’s method of determine the resistance of galvanometer by using a meterbridge.

12.         Define or describe a Potentiometer .

13.         Define Potential Gradient.

14.         What is potential gradient? How is it measured? Explain .

15.         On what factors does the potential gradient of the wire depend?

16.         Describe how a potentiometer is used to compare the emfs of two cell by connecting the cells individually .

17.         Describe how a potentiometer is used to compare the emfs of two cells by  combination method .

18.         Describe with the help of a neat circuit diagram how you will determine the internal resistance of a cell by using a potentiometer. Derive the necessary formula.

19.         State the use of a potentiometer .

20.         Why is potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for measuring emf?

21.         What are the disadvantage of a potentiometer?

22.         Distinguish between potentiometer  and voltmeter .

23.          Why should not the jockey be slided along the potentiometer wire?

24.         What will be the effect on the position of zero deflection if only the current flowing through the potentiometer wire is
a)increased   b)decreased .

25.         A potential drop per unit length along a wire is 5 x 10-3 V/m. If the emf of a cell balances against length 216 cm of this potentiometer wire , find the emfs of the cell .

26.         A potentiometer wire has a length of 1.5 m and resistance of 10 Ω . It is connected in series with the cell of emf 4 volt and internal resistance 5 Ω . Calculate the potential  drop per centimeter of the wire .

27.         The resistance of a potentiometer wire is 8Ω and its length is 8m . A resistance box and a 2V battery are connected in series with it . What should be the resistance in box if it is desired to have potential drop of 1V/mm?

28.         When two cells of emfs E1 and E2  are  connected in series so as to assist each other, their balancing length on a potentiometer is found to be 2.7m .When the cells are connected in series so as to oppose each other, the balancing length is found to be 0.3m . Compare the emfs of the two cells .

29.         The emf of a cell is balanced by a length of 120cm of potentiometer wire . When the cell is shunted by a resistance of 10 Ω, the balancing length is reduced by 20cm . Find the internal resistance of the cell .

Some questions are not added due to technical problems please visit the website on the jan to get all the important question.                                                                                                                                        

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